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   Re: [xml-dev] If XML is too hard for a programmer, perhaps he'd bebetter

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Tim Bray wrote:
> Dare Obasanjo wrote:
>> The "Desperate Perl Hacker" argument  was a bogus claim for XML 1.0 
>> because of the existence of entities and CDATA sections but is quite 
>> farcical now with the existence of the Namespaces in XML 
>> recommendation (and it's bastard spawn "QNames in content"). 
> Empirically false, at two levels.  First, lots of people process XML 
> with perl (or equivalent) all the time.  Second, the real requirement 
> was to make it tractable to take a large body of document data and make 
> quick programmatic changes on it.  

Indeed, the simple fact that people are doing SAX filtering in the archetypal
Perl one-liners shows that the DPH argument has had its effect. There's work on 
making the situation even better, and the Perl 6 people are discussing very 
interesting things relating to XML.

Robin Berjon <robin.berjon@expway.fr>
Research Engineer, Expway        http://expway.fr/
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