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[Sorry for the historical questions, but it's Sunday morning and maybe
these will bear more fruit than semantic visions.]

I was looking the other day for information about GenCode, but most of
what I can find describes it as a predecessor to SGML that got folded
into the main SGML effort.  

While I'm aware of that contribution, I'm curious what GenCode itself
was trying to accomplish.  My rapidly-fading memory suggests that a
single tag set was a key (though not accomplished) goal, and someone was
even speaking of "the shadow of GenCode", though I'm no longer sure in
what context.

I did find this slide on "Conclusions of the GenCode Committee":


It seems to concur with my own thoughts about markup, but that may be
the result of my absorbing here for a long time.

Simon St.Laurent
Ring around the content, a pocket full of brackets
Errors, errors, all fall down!
http://simonstl.com -- http://monasticxml.org


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