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   RE: [xml-dev] XML 1.1 grinds to halt?

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Since the bottom line in the Namespaces spec is that parsers are
supposed to accept any character string in the role of a namespace name,
the obvious solution is to remove all the fine words about IRIs which
don't actually affect conformance anyway.

Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael.H.Kay@ntlworld.com
work: Michael.Kay@softwareag.com  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Jelliffe [mailto:ricko@allette.com.au] 
> Sent: 29 April 2003 06:27
> To: XML Dev
> Subject: Re: [xml-dev] XML 1.1 grinds to halt?
> From: "Mike Champion" <mc@xegesis.org>
> > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2003Apr/0123.html
> > 
> > I'm having a bit of trouble deconstructing this ... anyone want to 
> > explain
> > the nuances? I have mixed feelings about XML 1.1, but 
> having XML wait on 
> > the TAG which is waiting on the IETF ... which is waiting 
> on ???? ... 
> > reminds me of a few doomed projects I've seen in my time!
> Layers = bureaucracy?
> Time is on XML 1.1's side:  even Java is only just reaching 
> Unicode 3.2 just as Unicode 4 is released. So we shouldn't 
> impose a great urgency, or take instant success as a measure.  
> IETF has had a problem coming to grips with non-ASCII 
> characters in protocols.  Internationalized domain names are 
> at least five years too late. Ultimately, IETF has to go 
> UTF-8 throughout IMHO. 
> I don't know why they just don't adopt XML 
> Schemas/XPointer/Charmod anyURI to break the impasse for now, 
> but with a warning that comparisons may cause trouble, and a 
> statement that  when IRIs have their RFC, that 
> RFC will supercede anyURI. 
> Cheers
> Rick Jelliffe
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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