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The most flexible approach I know of for binding mixed content is
XMLBeans: http://dev2dev.bea.com/technologies/xmlbeans/overview.jsp This
actually builds a binding view on top of a sort of compressed DOM, and
lets you work with the underlying XML components if the binding view
doesn't give you what you need. It's still only available as a beta with
restricted license (including no benchmarking) so I haven't actually
worked with it yet to see how well it performs. BEA claims it provides
very good performance, and they've been talking about making at least
the core portions "freely available", implying no-cost building and
redistribution of applications.
- Dennis
Pavel A. Sher wrote:
>Is there any XML Binding framework which is able to correctly
>represent mixed content? I was tried two well-known frameworks: Sun
>JAXB and Castor. But both are seem to be data oriented frameworks. So
>my human-editable document with much mixed content will not be
>presented correctly.
>Maybe there are some other frameworks with document orientation as
>the implementation goal?