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   Microsoft and "XML Everywhere"

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In the various discussions of what Microsoft did, or didn't, promise to do with XML in Office 2003 I don't recall seeing mention of these statements:

Q: If XML everywhere - why not in every Office product and just in enterprise ed ?

A: It was never our plan to have "XML everywhere". That idea came from some articles the press wrote, and they are not necessarily accurate in reporting. We view XML as very valuable but at least initially of most interest to corporations" especially with "customer defined schemas". So you see "customer-defined schemas" it in the higher value versions, but the lower priced versions don't have to pay for it. There is plain "Save as XML" in all versions.


Q: Why have user-defined XML Schemas been removed from Word & Excel Standard edition?

A: They were never "removed". They were always planned for the professional versions only. The betas are the professional versions. The press made an assumption that all versions would have this capability, then claimed it had been "removed" when we announced specifics of the SKUs. For our part we probably weren't clear enough about this, but what the press picks up is usually only vaguely related to what we say to them anyway.


Andrew Watt


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