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This can be downloaded from the project page of FXSL
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/fxsl) or directly from:
The following modules/functions are implemented in this initial release:
Below is the contents of the Readme.txt file:
EXSLT support for MSXML4 (Exslt-Msxml4),
by Dimitre Novatchev, dnovatchev@yahoo.com
Welcome to this implementation of EXSLT for MSXML4.
I. Installation.
Run Setup.exe.
The installation will create the folder:
C:\Program Files\EXSLT for MSXML4\msEXSLT
This contains the following two files:
1. exMsxsl.exe -- a version of the msxsl.exe command-line utility
with added support for EXSLT
2. EXSLTOK.dll -- the actual implementation of EXSLT for Msxml4
II. Using Exslt-Msxml4
1. To use the EXSLT implementation from exMsxsl.exe, specify
-u '4.0*ex' on the command line.
An example of a complete command line is:
exMsxsl my.xml my.xsl -o my.result -t -u '4.0*ex'
I have added a separate "exMsxml4" engine to my Xselerator like this:
Options --> Environment Options --> Transformation --> Add
Executable: C:\Program Files\EXSLT for MSXML4\exMsxsl.exe
Parameters: %xml% %xsl% -o %out% -t -u '4.0*ex' %param[name="value"]%
To integrate with XML-Spy, do the following (sent by Oleg Tkachenko):
Tools --> Options --> XSL
External XSL transformation program:
C:\Program Files\EXSLT for MSXML4\msEXSLT\exMsxsl.exe %1 %3 -o %2 -u
Once this new transformation engine is added, one can perform
single-click transformations that use the EXSLT support for MSXML4.
Or one could create a .bat file and use exMsxsl.exe from the DOS window.
2. The other way to use the EXSLT implementation is programmatically.
The easiest way to do it is just as using MSXML4 before, with the
only difference that instead of creating an IXSLTemplate object with
ProgID "Msxml2.XSLTemplate.4.0", one will now create an
IEXSLTemplate object with ProgID "EXSLT.EXSLTemplate".
Two typical examples of using Exslt-Msxml4 programmatically are the
2.1 From VB
Option Explicit
Dim xslt As New EXSLTLib.EXSLTemplate
Dim xsldoc As New MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument40
Dim xmldoc As New MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument40
Dim xslproc As MSXML2.IXSLProcessor
xsldoc.Load "E:\xml\EXSLT\VB6\Tests\testExsltCommon.xsl"
Set xslt.stylesheet = xsldoc.documentElement
Set xslproc = xslt.createProcessor
xmldoc.Load "E:\xml\EXSLT\VB6\Tests\testDistinct100.xml"
xslproc.input = xmldoc
MsgBox xslproc.output
2.2 From JavaScript
function transform()
var xslt = new ActiveXObject("EXSLT.EXSLTemplate");
var xslDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0");
xslDoc.async = false;
xslt.stylesheet = xslDoc;
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");
xmlDoc.async = false;
var xslProc;
xslProc = xslt.createProcessor();
xslProc.input = xmlDoc;
III. Acknowledgements
1. I would like to thank Jeni Tennison for her suggestions -- the current
version benefited greatly from implementing them.
2. exMsxml is an adaptation of the source code of the msxsl.exe
command-line utility by Microsoft, as published at:
I'd like to thank the developers of this utility, which makes easy and
convenient for everyone to perform XSLT transformations. While I learnt
a lot from their nice programming style, any bugs and mistakes in
exMsxsl are
entirely mine.
Dimitre Novatchev.
XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list