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   Re: [xml-dev] Benchmarking forbidden?

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Derek Denny-Brown wrote:
> Adding no-public-benchmark clauses to the EULA is something largely
> beyond the control of the Msxml team.  As to be expected in a large,
> conservative company like Microsoft, the default is locked down,
> raise-your-hand-to-visit-the-restroom type wording.  Anything else
> requires jumps through flaming hoops of legalese.  The clause is there
> to avoid the classic problem of people disregarding all published
> best-practices, and write a test which shows that the product is X times
> slower than some other product, i.e. it helps protect against overly
> contrived benchmarks.

This is *no* excuse.  What a complete utter unmitigated atrocity. -Tim


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