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   Re: [xml-dev] modeling, validating and documenting an xml grammar

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On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 07:55, Joe English wrote:
> Mike Fitzgerald wrote:
> > Bob Foster wrote:
> > > From: "Mike Fitzgerald"
> > > Also, RELAX NG lacks the precise occurrence restraints of XML
> > > Schema that is, no minOccurs/maxOccurs. RNG supports only the common RE
> > > or DTD constraints ? * + as <optional>, <zeroOrMore>, and <oneOrMore>.
> > >
> > > Yes, but that's just shorthand; it doesn't add any additional capability.
> >
> > In some respects, it is shorthand, e.g.:
> >
> > ? is <optional> is minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
> >
> > but you can't say a min of 9 occurrences with a max of 12 in RELAX NG; you
> > can in XML Schema with minOccurs="9"/maxOccurs="12". However, M-N
> > constraints are on the official docket for RELAX NG as a separate spec.
> What are the real-world use cases of minOccurs and maxOccurs?
> In my experience, occurrence constraints specifying anything 
> other than zero, one, or many are almost always an indication 
> of a bad design decision somewhere in the system.
> (Or maybe that *is* the use case?  To be able to accurately
> describe badly normalized legacy RDBMSs and other such things?)

or there might just be a poor mapping from a well designed and
normalised rdbms to xml

something that concerns me a lot and i'm looking into


> --Joe English
>   jenglish@flightlab.com
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