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   Re: [xml-dev] Parsing Kanji (Japanese) characters...

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From: <nizar.hirani@citicorp.com>
> Is the SAX Parser able to handle Kanji characters? Any help/pointers are
> appreciated.

The problem is probably that your document is encoded in an encoding that uses
escape sequences.   When it is read using a different encoding (e.g. the default
encoding of UTF-8) then the ESC character is correctly flagged as being
a problem. 

There are three main Japanese encodings in common use: ISO 2022, Shift JIS and 
EUC: all of these have various variants and extensions, and also documents can be in 
Unicode encodings, which also have variants.  It is a very good thing that XML 
systems can often detect that your data has been mislabelled, isn't it! Otherwise
if you add the wrong data to a database, that database will have been corrupted.

Your text is probably encoded using  ISO-2022-JP (JIS) encoding.

If you are working with Far Eastern data much, I recommend you read Ken
Lunde's  "Chinese Japanese Korean Vietnamese Information Processing"
from O'Reilly.  It is an amazing book.  

On the WWW see  http://lfw.org/text/jp.html#iso2022

Rick Jelliffe


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