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   RE: [xml-dev] CDATA processing problem using Xerces-J validating parser

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Like clockwork, whenever someone posts a complaint about how the parser isn't skipping the content of CDATA sections they always back up the assertion with the link to the erroneous content at http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_cdata.asp <http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_cdata.asp> 
Can you provide a fragment of your schema and instance document so we can tell what you are trying to do. 


From: Tony Opatha [mailto:tonyopatha@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thu 6/19/2003 10:40 AM
To: Dare Obasanjo; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Cc: xmlschema-dev@w3c.org
Subject: RE: [xml-dev] CDATA processing problem using Xerces-J validating parser

Yes, it is the case that the validating parser is processing CDATA and
can not determine which element the data belongs to???

CDATA section seems to be ignored by XML Spy while same XSD and same
XML instance seems to be processed and deemed not valid (see error in 
attached e-mail below). Following note seems to indicate the misconception
that everything in CDATA is ignored by the parser:
So, is there a way we can "play" around XSD data type specification for
the element that contains the CDATA. It would be quite difficult to "escape"
all characters in the CDATA section to satisfy the xerces parser.
Any ideas how to workaround this problem.
Thanks for you help.
Dare Obasanjo <dareo@microsoft.com> wrote:

	It is a common misconception that information within a CDATA section is not processed by the XML parser but instead is skipped. Unfortunately this is incorrect. CDATA sections are at best a shorthand mechanism that prevents having to escape certain characters not a directive to the XML parser to halt processing until further notice. 
	From: Tony Opatha [mailto:tonyopatha@yahoo.com]
	Sent: Wed 6/18/2003 9:54 PM
	To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
	Subject: [xml-dev] CDATA processing problem using Xerces-J validating parser
	I have a XML doc instance that contains CDATA section:
	Parsers validating this XML are supposed to ignore the
	CDATA. XML Spy validates the XML instance fine using
	its corresponding XSD which defines the CDATA as
	a xsd:string.
	Now when I use in run-time Xeres-J parser it seems to
	be processing the CDATA and obviously fails to
	validate the CDATA section since it has all types of
	illegal characters in it:
	Here is the error I get:
	org.xml.sax.SAXException: Data not belonging to any element encountered: 32.com Record
	Any ideas why this is a problem.
	I believe this may be a Xerces 1.4 parser. Does xerces support
	correct handling of CDATA???
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