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   RE: [xml-dev] The burning XML-DEV question of Where is Australia? (was R

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"Actually, there is a growing trend here to have
the South at the top of maps, rather than the North, to protect our youth
from northern-centricism or slights to our continental dignity.

Over here, our rough mental geography is probably less based on hemispheres
more based on oceans:"

Rick...Brings to mind Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion World Map showing the
planet as one island in one ocean.

see http://www.bfi.org/map.htm

Although Australia seems to be stuck off in one corner.. the map can be
redrawn with any coordinate at the centre. North/South is not an issue on
this map.


W. Hugh Chatfield  I.S.P.
CyberSpace Industries 2000 Inc.
XML Consulting & Training
See also:  http://www.all-about-perth.com  [not Perth Australia: Perth


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