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   RE: [xml-dev] OFFTOPIC: Job Opportunity

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That particular job opportunity is one which is specialized 
in the content such that it is unlikely that any OCONUS 
non-US citizen would have the requisite background, and 
few of those who are will.

I should have kept it off this list.  I was apologizing 
for spamming and did it only because it is a good job 
opportunity for someone who does meet the requirements. 
A broken tactic but an attempt to help someone else out.

Just a note:

o  The more we pursue political correctness in the 
trivial examples such as these, the less likely are 
such opportunities to be shared.

o  The more attempting to create and share any 
knowledge or innovation results in marginalizing the originators 
in order to take control of the process, the less 
likely it is that any smart person will share.  

Proprietariness is not greed; it is risk management.


From: Michael Kay [mailto:michael.h.kay@ntlworld.com]

> Apologies to the internationals.

Either we are all international, or none of us are.

Michael Kay


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