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   Re: [xml-dev] Dev tools question ...

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On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 10:14:44AM -0400, Greg Fields wrote:
> ladies & gents ... I've been using a free editor for XML dev, but my
> projects are getting to the point where I will need to start looking at
> commercial dev tools.  Other than XMLspy, XMetaL, and TurboXML, are there
> any other good ones out there?  What do you use?

It depends to some extent on platform.  Since I primarily use Linux,
I use gvim (a text editor with syntax colouring) and xxe (a free Java
product from Active Minds).  I plan to look at XML authoring tools in
more detail next month, though, both on Linux and under Windows 2k/xp.

On other platforms (e.g. Solaris), Arbortext (www.arbortext.com) has
some XML editing ("development") software, and Adobe has FrameMaker;
both of these are very mature.  SoftQuad's Author/Editor was bought
by Interleaf, who were bought by BroadVision, who seemed not to
want Author/Editor, so that one has vanished I think.  There's one
called oXygen that posts announcements to xml-dev, and another from
Stilo in the UK... a quick look at Robin Cover's "Cover Pages" will
get you more.

I dont know if any support the QNX operating system dierctly.

The best tool for you depends on exactly what you are doing, on your
environment and your background.



Liam Quin, W3C XML Activity Lead, liam@w3.org, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/


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