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   RE: Re: [xml-dev] more politics

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1.  Identity is functionally a value emitted by an identification operation.
2.  Operations are members of systems.
3.  Systems may overlap (share properties and operations).
4.  Systems that overlap are not the same systems.

The problem is not the web.  It is relying on the definition 
of resolution of the web system for a semantic web document 
where relationships among addressed entities are formally 
the same, but not operationally.

No identity without identification.

Try to identify a prisoner in lockup based only on 
their name.  Your case gets thrown out of court and 
on occasion, the wrong guy gets an early release.


From: John Cowan [mailto:cowan@mercury.ccil.org]

bill.dehora scripsit:

> The AI/ontology wonks really are not doing this to wind us all up or make
> feel stupid - without the semantics they can't begin to define languages
> let us write this stuff down in a way that is usefully engineered for the
> semweb *as posited*. No notation without denotation. 

Truly this passage, and especially the last sentence, deserve to be
written up in letters of gold somewhere, right underneath Quine's
"No entity without identity."


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