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> -----Original Message-----
> From: DuCharme, Bob (LNG-CHO) [mailto:bob.ducharme@lexisnexis.com]
> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:52 PM
> To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: [xml-dev] XSD question
> First, is there any mailing list dedicated to just W3C schema
> questions? I may have a few in the near future and don't want
> to clutter up xml-dev.
> My question us about the use of processContents="lax" with
> xs:any. The schema Rec part 1 says that for a processContents
> value of "lax", "If the item, or any items among its
> [children] if it's an element information item, has a
> uniquely determined declaration available, it must be *valid*
> with respect to that definition, that is, *validate* where
> you can, don't worry when you can't." I was trying to use a
> combination of xs:any elements and more specific declarations
> write a schema that would accept any document, validating
> only certain elements if they were found, *wherever* they
> were found. I can do this in RELAX NG, but I'm giving up hope
> on doing it in XSD, and I think it's because of the
> "[children]" (as opposed to descendants) part above.
> Let's say I declare element alpha to have a sequence of one
> or more xs:any children with processContents="lax". Then I
> declare element beta to have a specific content model. I can
> put beta elements and anything else as children of alpha, and
> if any of those beta elements violate the declared content
> model, a schema-validating parser will flag it as an error.
> However, if a beta element that violates the declared content
> model is a *grandchild* of alpha instead of being a direct
> child, the schema-validating parser isn't supposed to flag it.
> Do I understand this correctly?
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