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   RE: [xml-dev] Beyond Ontologies

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Hi Len,

Len said:

But I'm not interested in classifying every living being past and present. I
am interested in instances of the models that can be used in simulations to 
make rough predictions.  So I would feed HumanML data to RPG models and 
watch them.  Beware the local minima problem of annealing systems.  HTML 
is a good example of that.

Didier replies:
I probably have the wrong model but, in my mind, a role playing games are
involving humans playing roles, the machine is there only as a kind of
scorecard. Most of the system's state modification is based on the behavior
of the people. Is that what you have in mind? A kind of "matrix" where
humans helps to resolve some problems? To resolve two proposition about the
same resource from two different agents (i.e. a document classified by a
search engine and containing an RDF description) how do I use an RPG to
solve that problem? Would that matrix interested to solve my problem? Can
you help me understand your ontology and why you reach such conclusion, I am
lost, I do not know why you came to that conclusion.

Didier PH Martin


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