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   RE: [xml-dev] ASN.1 is an XML Schema Language (Fix those lists!) and Bin

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Alaric B Snell wrote:
> "Well, we can base our system's data model around XML which will 
> make the display onto the Web easy because we can use XSLT, but 
> it means that the coupling to the business logic will have to 
> hand-pick through the messages with XPath ...
	The only thing that stands between a great many of the exising
"XML" tools like XSLT, etc. and ASN.1 is the fact that there aren't
any SAX interfaces to the ASN.1 encodings yet. However, I'm being told
by at least two of the commercial ASN.1 providers that SAX interfaces
are under development now. What that means, of course, is that you
could simply replace the input parsing module of your XSLT processor
with an ASN.1 to SAX interface and then use XSLT to format binary
encodings for display in browsers, etc... (The approach would be a lot
like what Michael Kay did when building a SAX interface for GEDCOM
file formats...)

		bob wyman


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