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   RE: [xml-dev] XML Training and Certification

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  • To: <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
  • Subject: RE: [xml-dev] XML Training and Certification
  • From: "Jason Kohls" <jkohls@infotechresearchgroup.com>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 14:09:06 -0500
  • Thread-index: AcOjBEoAP99HCoq7Rq2j7BVpW9lkFgAAnNWQ
  • Thread-topic: [xml-dev] XML Training and Certification

So my HR Manager can make a tick-mark on Form No. 37, under the heading, "Has sufficient knowledge/recognition in ________ technology", and I can proceed to the next salary range.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Brown [mailto:prb@fivesight.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 1:49 PM
> To: Jason Kohls
> Subject: Re: [xml-dev] XML Training and Certification
> > Currently, what is the most widely-recognized XML certification
> > track?  Does it exist?  And for what "standards"? 
> > Basically, any information on XML certification would be 
> appreciated.
> There are a number of good courses on XSL-FO and the like, but the 
> truth is that the school of hard knocks and experience are the only 
> worthwhile training.  (Frequently, however, the cost is too high...)
> What's the goal of the training?
> Paul Brown
> FiveSight Technologies, Inc.
> http://www.fivesight.com
> http://blog.fivesight.com/prb/


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