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   Production 78 in XML 1.1

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I noticed the following production in the latest proposed 
recommendation of XML 1.1:

[78]     extParsedEnt     ::=     TextDecl? content - Char* 
RestrictedChar Char*

In XML 1.0 the production is

[78]     extParsedEnt     ::=     TextDecl? content

The rationale for this change is unclear to me. Could anyone explain 
this? I think this trying to say that an external parsed entity 
cannot contain control characters unless they're wrapped inside an 
element, comment, or processing instruction--for instance, an 
external parsed entity consisting only of the bell character or 
&#x07; would be illegal, but <bell>&#x07;</bell> would be legal--but 
I'm not sure.  Does anyone know exactly what this means and why?


   Elliotte Rusty Harold
   Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)


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