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   Re: [xml-dev] RE : [xml-dev] Comparison of Xml documents

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On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 18:25, David Carlisle wrote:
>   You can use the RELAX NG "interleave" patterns to say that a schema
>   processor shouldn't check the relative order of the elements with
>   virtually no restrictions.
> Yes but that  says that both a,b,c and b,a,c etc are allowed, it doesn't
> say whether an application should treat these as the same thing, which
> is the point at issue here. 

Right! I had missed that piece of context...

In practical, it is even often the case that you allow different
relative orders because the order is significant.

In fact with RELAX NG per see you can't say anything to an application
because the main goal of a RNG schema is validation and with W3C XML
Schema that could convey such information in its PSVI, you don't have
the necessary flexibility to express that.

If that's a real need, one could use RELAX NG annotations to do so.

Read me on XMLhack.
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