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   ANN: XML Online Comparison/Diff Service

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When you need an XML "diff" to compare XML documents and fragments on 
the fly, and get a quick result with minimum hassle, 
compare.deltaxml.com [1] is the site to bookmark.

You get instant access to comparison of XML pasted into text boxes or 
uploaded as files. Please publicize this free service as widely as 
you like - we hope it becomes a genuinely useful tool, accessible to 

Technical Notes:
- File size is limited to around 250k.
- Take care if you need to reference DTDs, use a URL in DOCTYPE.
- Since the service runs on an unencrypted connection, it is 
unsuitable for secure documents.

We do not store data you upload and offer this free service with no 
guarantees of availability.

[1] At http://compare.deltaxml.com

Thanks to many of you on xml-dev who have provided feedback and 
suggestions as we have developed DeltaXML. Feel free to contact me 
directly if you have any problems or suggestions, or to register at 
our website [http://www.deltaxml.com/evaluate/index.html] for access 
to full XML comparison and change-processing software.

Robin La Fontaine

-- ---------------------------------------------------
Robin La Fontaine    DeltaXML: "Change control for XML, in XML"
Email: robin@deltaxml.com      http://www.deltaxml.com
Free XML comparison service http://compare.deltaxml.com


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