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   Re: [xml-dev] Document is invalid: no grammar found

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Richard Tobin wrote:

>>I have seen an xml schema validator fail to validate because "file:///" 
>>was omitted from an absolute path for the schema location - and it 
>>should fail, IMHO - and another succeed with the same URI.
> If file:/// is omitted, it isn't an absolute URI, it's a relative one,
> and should be resolved relative to the containing document's URI (or
> if it's on the command line, relative to some default bse URI such
> as a file: URI referring to the current directory).

Except that on Windows, a file path beginning with a drive letter and a 
":" is well-known to indicate an absolute path.  Some processors kindly 
make use of this knowledge (like Spy), and some do not (which both of us 
appear to agree is rfc-correct behavior)

> If the base URI is a file: URI on the local machine, a
> schema location /home/richard/foo.xsd should be equivalent to
> file:///home/richard/foo.xsd.

Agreed - on a Unix-like machine.  Not on Windows.  On Windows a file 
d:\temp\xsd\schema.xsd is unambigously an absolute file reference on the 
local machine, and a file at \\mars\d:\temp\xsd\schema.xsd is 
unambiguously an absolute reference to a file an the host
"mars".  You cannot get a legal relative path just by leaving off the 
"file:///" part.


Tom P


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