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   Re: [xml-dev] DTD parser in c#

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Hi Jeff,
Would you mind sharing documentation on SAX.Net? Sorry for inconvenience.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Rafter" <lists@jeffrafter.com>
To: "Michelle Tan" <tjtan79@streamyx.com>
Cc: <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] DTD parser in c#

> > I need a DTD parser to parse the element in the DTD and match with the
> > (ontology file). According to your expertise experience, will SAX.NET
> > me in this issue? Thanks for your reply.
> Yes and no. What SAX will give you is a standard way to list all of the
> declarations in a DTD without having to write your parser-- which is
> It will also expand all of the parameter entities for you. Ultimately
> though, you will still have a lot of work to do with SAX. You will
> have to do something like :
> (1) Set up a DeclHandler on the SAX XMLReader.
> (2) Record all of the items from ElementDecl, AttributeDecl, etc. events
> into a Hashtable or Dictionary.
> (3) As you encounter a DAML element match it using a lookup in the
> or Dictionary.
> In this respect, you are not saving much over using the DOM-- and still
> at least some amount of work to do. However, in SAX you do have more
> for providing your own DTD for a specific file (e.g., getExternalSubset,
> InputSource)
> All the best,
> Jeff


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