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   Re: [xml-dev] Fast text output from SAX?

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On Tuesday 13 April 2004 22:00, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> To give a direct comparison with esXML/esDOM I'd need to
> define a native API for working with the XBIS serialization of
> a document directly. That's not something I see as worthwhile,
> given the wide variety of APIs already available for working
> with XML. 

As I am sure you know neither of the common API models, I mean 
SAX or DOM (in any variant that I am aware of), either 
separately or togeather provide an ideal platform for high 
performance XML processing. While development concerns are not 
the focus here the encoding format is important because it 
determines the functionality available to an application unless 
it is prepared to convert the data to some other format at some 

For me a successfull encoding would need to be both efficient at 
SAX style replay but also support efficient data access directly 
from its encoded form. Or put another way, solving the 
speed/size issue just for data transmission is only part of the 
battle, the receiving application must also be able to process 
it efficiently which implies in native form. Something of a 
combination of XBIS and esXML might be close assuming that esXML 
meets its claims.



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