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   RE: [xml-dev] What is the rule for parsing XML in a namespace inside HTM

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>From: Joshua Allen [mailto:joshuaa@microsoft.com]

>Choose the right tool for
>the task -- in this case, the right tool will be either HTML or XML; not
>some abominable hybrid.

Ummm... so what is HTML plus VML?

XHTML is a separate issue.  So is Atom.   So 
are screen scraping and services.  This message 
is and only is about what it means to have namespaced 
XML inside HTML.

I can and did fix the emitting database, but validation appears 
to be beyond the one validating tool I would think 
I could rely on:  IE.   To be fair, as long as the 
namespace is used, no <?xml is required, but that 
means the namespaced xml is in fact, not XML.  It 
is a weird state of affairs because the Microsoft 
articles I rely on to apply this technology say 
that it is XML.  Not to be mean, but that would 
infer that Microsoft is not reliable.

That is not the speech your boss wants 
to give.  It is precisely the speech 
he wants to avoid.

VML doesn't use the <xml> tag.  It uses the 
namespace decl and a behavior CSS decl.  
The solution needs to work from 
those declarations, not a tag.  OTW, the right 
way would be to insist when a namespace is 
embedded, that the wrapper document (HTML 
in this case) be conformant XML even if it 
isn't XHTML should the developer insist on 
well-formedness.   We don't need more hacks. 
We need XML rules to work as spec'd where 
declared.  If the browser is XML-aware, 
it also has to be conformant where declared.
No exceptions.

What happens when we get to XAML?



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