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   RE: [xml-dev] Slightly off topic: geek dinner in Toronto

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Bon appétit. I'm afraid the journey's a little too far this time.

Joe (UK)

>From: Oleg Dulin <oleg@configurecode.com>
>To: "'xml-dev@lists.xml.org'" <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
>Subject: [xml-dev] Slightly off topic: geek dinner in Toronto
>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 17:21:02 -0400
>Randy Morin (http://www.kbcafe.com/iBLOGthere4iM/) and I are organizing a 
>spontaneous geek dinner in Toronto. The details are here 
>http://www.kbcafe.com/iBLOGthere4iM/?guid=20040928051905 .
>We hope to see some XML bloggers / geeks there tomorrow night !
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