I have a few
general questions about SVG:
1. Suppose
that I render an SVG document in a browser (using the Adobe SVG
plugin). My experiments show that I can right-mouse-click on the
image and select Zoom in. However, my experiments also show that I
can only Zoom in 3 or 4 times, at which time the Zoom in menu pick gets
grayed-out. Does SVG limit the level of Zooming in, or is that a
limitation of the Adobe renderer?
[Lisa Li] There is no such constraint in SVG spec as far as
I know.
Continuing with the last question ... Suppose that I have a map of a
country. How much detail can be put into the map? Can I put
details down to the level of a building, on a street, in a city, in a state in
the country? Can I then Zoom in from the country level down to see the
Li] Yes. You can put all SVG representation of buildings,
streets in a document. or you can generate each of them on demand and add to
the SVG document dynamically. See the example Moscow map in Adobe web site. http://www.adobe.com/svg/demos/samples.html
3. Can I
associate textual information with parts of the SVG graphic? For
example, if I have a graphic of a country, I might like to associate some
textual information for each city. Is it possible to hide the textual
information until the user, for example, right-mouse-clicks on the
[Lisa Li] You
can associate text with the SVG "path" element and "symbol" element. See
10.13 Text on a path http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/PR-SVG11-20021115/text.html#TextPathElement.
You can specify mouse event in SVG
graphic element and write JavaScipt functions to do whatever you want.For
example, you can display the textual information when the mouse moves over
some city. Adobe SVG web site has many such kind of examples. http://www.adobe.com/svg/basics/intro.html
Continuing with the last question ... Can I associate different textual
information with different scales? For example, when the graphic of the
whole country is being displayed I want to display text relating to the whole
country. When the user zooms down to a city, I want text relating to
that city. Thus, is it possible to associate different text with
different zoom levels and different parts of the graphic?
[Lisa Li] I think you can
arrive this goal by catching the zoom
5. Suppose
that I want to create an SVG image of a country. I cannot imagine
handcrafting an XML SVG document. How do you suggest that I create the
SVG document?
Li] One way to do this is to describe the country with
GML(Geographic Markup Language) and write a XSLT style sheet to transform
the GML document into a SVG document. (It's essentially XML-to-XML
transformation). I have been working on a tool "Map Style Editor" which
can generate such XSLT automatically. If you are interested in
this approach, you can contact me off