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   Re: [xml-dev] Partyin' like it's 1999

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> It doesn't need to scale to more than the number of languages that have 
> their own specific rendering needs that can't be expressed on top of 
> another language.

yes and no, you can rely on a transformation language xslt (or xbl about
which I know less) for rendering but the more you transform, the harder
time you have with any interaction as you have to do the reverse
transform (typically) to map user interaction with the layout pimitives
back to your underlying elements.

The amount of transformation that you are prepared to accept as
reaonable is of course subjective. So opinions will differ as to whether
such a solution is acceptable. Is it OK to map ChemML (or MathML) to SVG
for example, given that SVG can lay text at specific coordinates pretty
much any layout form could in principle be rendered that way but you
might (or might not) lose something along the way.

(I suppose I should declare an interest:
Co Chair W3C Math Interest Group)

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