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On Sunday 05 December 2004 12:43, Rich Salz wrote:
> > I don't think this will be of much practical use to you
> > but just to add more to the picture. As far as I am
> > aware Sarvega is the only XSLT vendor who has been
> > pushing on in this area.
> Baloney.
> Let's leave vendor sales stuff for other places, okay?
Hi Rich,
I was trying to, sorry if you thought I stepped over the
line. The question was very specifically are people working
in this area for XSLT. The answer is yes, we are, although
I did use a few more words than was necessary. I don't
think I could have answered this without mentioning a
company name as Daniela had to in her earlier reply.
To put this in perspective, perhaps I can quote you on a
mail to this list from earlier this year.
"But for a server? �You want what we sell. :) �We're the
fastest XML security devices around."
Rich Salz 20/08/2004
> To add some tech info here, let's just point out that not
> everything is streamable.
Yep, totally agree with that, but clearly some things are.