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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: Where does the "nothing left but toolkits" mythcome fr

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Rich Salz wrote:

> I am not concerned about the vast majority of proposals.  I am 
> interested in what the W3C might do, and I do not expect any possible 
> binary format to give up the "round trip" capability.

You place considerably more faith in the W3C process than I do. I hope 
you're right about this, but I fear you're not. I can think of several 
examples where the W3C has broken previous specs in unnecessary ways:

1. Redefining the namespace of xmlns attributes
2. XML 1.1
3. SOAP, specifically the restrictions on the document type declaration 
and processing instructions (arguably that one shouldn't be laid at 
their doorstep, but they did consent to the damage).

Given this history, I'm not hopeful that what comes out of the binary 
working group will be fully round-tripabble.

Elliotte Rusty Harold  elharo@metalab.unc.edu
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