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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: Where does the "nothing left but toolkits" mythcome fr

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Wolfgang Hoschek wrote:

> On Feb 9, 2005, at 1:17 PM, Rick Marshall wrote:
>> even it's own documentation says this is not a binary xml format (at 
>> least that we can rely on) because the authors reserve the right to 
>> change it at will and warn against storing a bnux transformed 
>> document because it may not be able to be decoded in the future.
>> how many xml principles does this break? perhaps it could be question 
>> of the week :)
>> worse - the encoder/decoder must therefore be deployed in pairs - and 
>> upgraded in pairs. this may later become the basis of something, but 
>> it is along way from being a binary xml coding that is useful in 
>> general.
> That's because binary XML makes most sense in tightly coupled systems 
> (and the intended usage is clearly stated as such - there's no 
> ambiguity here).

this doesn't answer the question of how to upgrade a million phones 
because a newer, better serialisation has been worked out. in fact that 
in general is the problem with all widely deployed technologies - how 
many websites still consider supporting netscape4?

bnux seems to me to be a useful inhouse protocol, but not a general, 
standardised, industry solution.


>> and finally if gzip/zip type compressions can add even more - why not 
>> just use them and put the effort into more efficient gzip algorithms 
>> - or better still a gzip encoder/decoder chip :) for use in mobile 
>> phones etc.
> Better compression does not necessarily equal better performance. GZIP 
> is very compute-intensive, it actually degrades performance (while it 
> does offer more compression). You can verify this yourself via the 
> compressionLevel flag. There's an explicit tradeoff here to be made.
> !DSPAM:420a88175891215416753!

fn:Rick  Marshall
tel;cell:+61 411 287 530


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