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   RE: [xml-dev] Re: What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?

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Besides, the topic of XML-Dev is not "The Development of XML".  That's done.

Perish the thought we'd do that again.

This is "Developing With XML" which means almost any topic you 
can markup or apply markup to is appropriate.

And that is pretty much anything in Unicode, or anything 
that can be named with Unicode, and that is pretty much anything.

BTW: the answer to the topic of the thread is:  nothing.  SOAP/WS 
just does some things more reliably for more systems with less 
effort but also less scope because all REST does out-of-the-box is GET and
WS-* is an architecture for system(s) of services built over REST.  
As the interoperation of implementations of these services improves, 
the life of the developer gets easier and the implementation vendor gets 

So 'rich' over 'reach' is correct.


From: Uche Ogbuji [mailto:Uche.Ogbuji@fourthought.com]

On Sun, 2005-04-03 at 03:26 -0700, Mukul Gandhi wrote:
> I apologize to you and the list for off topic
> discussion. I won't continue it further.

Oh, no apology necessary.  We all do a lot of off-topic jabbering on
this list.  Just because one person was mean to you doesn't mean we all
hate you :-)

And don't be afraid of occasionally wandering off topic in future.  It
adds character to the proceedings.  If we'd forbidden Rick Jelliffe from
revealing that he was composing XML-DEV messages in his head while
sitting naked in a hot springs, we'd never have the Great Treaty of
Wulai.  Sorry.  bit of an inside XML-DEV joke, and off topic at that :-)


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