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   RE: [xml-dev] The Rising Sun: How XML Binary Restored the Fortune s of

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I don't think view source is the whole issue, but it is a significant one to
large and equally important community:  authors/programmers.

As I was pointing out to someone privately, the application matters.  A 
30% speedup for an HTML file is trivial.  For a real-time animated graphic, 
it is huge.  For an impoverished device (not many resources), it can also 
be huge because in both cases, these are domains that have thresholds. 
For example, the difference between 10fps and 15fps is a tipping point 
when doing real time 3D rendering.  It is the cross-over from a slide 
show to animation motion.  Between 20 and 30, it is the jump from jerky 
animation to smooth realistic motion.  


From: Alessandro Triglia [mailto:sandro@mclink.it]

Is this whole issue just a matter of widespread availability of viewers?



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