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   RE: [xml-dev] Are URIs Resources? (WAS RE: [xml-dev] Re: Non-info set)

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So a URI is a function? 

No, a resource is a function per definition. 
A resource maps a URI to another URI in the case of a redirect.  

A URI is an argument to a resource?

It makes better sense that way.  A hyperlink is not a URI.  A hyperlink is 
a function.  A hyperlink can be a resource (and so can anything else except 
a URI).


From: Jan Algermissen [mailto:jalgermissen@topicmapping.com]

Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:

>Wait a minute.  Rereading that: then a URI IS a resource 
>because resource identifiers are in the set.   
Hmm...no, (I think) it is either/or. A redirect is a case where the 
function maps to a URI.


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