Extreme Markup Languages 2005
August 1-5
Best Western Hotel Europa
Quebec Canada
The program has just been released for Extreme Markup Languages 2005.
Please visit: http://www.mulberrytech.com/Extreme/At-A-Glance.html
for the complete schedule. Pre-conference tutorials take place on Monday,
August 1 - http://www.mulberrytech.com/Extreme/Tutorials/
Extreme Markup Languages is devoted to the theory and practice of
markup languages from industrial, academic, and other points of view. It
differs from other conferences partly in its unapologetic emphasis on technical
subjects and problems on the frontiers of current practice, and partly in the
participants it attracts. Extreme typically has an unusually high concentration
of markup theorists, computer scientists, linguists, taxonomists, publishers,
lexicographers, typographers, software developers, librarians, and other people
you want to spend time with - also anarchists, curmudgeons, and deep
thinkers - and a lower than average concentration of managers in need of
a clue.
Marion L. Elledge
VP, Information Technologies Programs
IDEAlliance http://www.idealliance.org
Watch for upcoming events:
XTECH 2005 - 24-27 May - Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Extreme 2005 - August 1-5 - Montreal,
Quebec, Canada http://www.extrememarkup.com
XML 2005 - November 14-18 - Atlanta,