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Title: What is the use of non-leafElement' VALUE ?
What is the BUSINESS/Real-life meaning
<para>The hands on the hall-clock pointed to
half-past six in the morning. The house was a country residence in West
Somersetshire, called Combe-Raven. The day was the fourth of March, and the year
was eighteen-hundred and forty-six<footnote>In a letter to his friend
Charles Ward, Collins put the first of many questions ...: 'What
<ital>day</ital> of the <ital>week</ital> was the 4th of
March 1846?... If [it] was a <ital>Saturday</ital> or a
<ital>Sunday</ital>, it won't do for my
The people who imagine that XML was designed for business
(or that business is the same as real life) probably also imagine that English
was designed for business.
The M in XML stands for Markup: XML is first and foremost a
language for adding markup to text.
Michael Kay
Hi, I have one generic question on XML
structure [XML element]. If an XML element represents an object then element's attributes would
be properties of that object. Then any subelement [be it leaf or non-leaf] would represent the
hierarchy of the objects [containment]. If the element is a leaf node then that
element's value will be meaning full. BUT if the element is not a leaf node then what is the
BUSINESS/Real-life meaning of having value in that element ? My understanding is that an element's attributes and its sub-elements
are enough to represent an object.
Example : <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <employmentDetails> Some value <EmployerID>097</EmployerID>
What is the business meaning of
allowing element value for non-leaf element in XML W3C
Thanks in advance for sharing your
Regards, RNS
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