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   Re: [xml-dev] XML schema cos-nonambig problem

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> the xml. What are you trying to achieve?

What I have been given, is a Relax schema. I have translated the  
Relax schema into xml schema by using the relax to xml schema  
converter, Trang. The xml schema is used as input to XML Beans from  

I then use XML Beans to read a some xml files.

Here is the corresponding Relax xml:

   <define name="contentiddef">
           <element name="major" ns="http://www.polopoly.com/polopoly/ 
               <data type="integer"/>
         <element name="externalid" ns="http://www.polopoly.com/ 
         <element name="major" ns="http://www.polopoly.com/polopoly/ 
             <data type="integer"/>
         <element name="minor" ns="http://www.polopoly.com/polopoly/ 
           <data type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
           <element name="version" ns="http://www.polopoly.com/ 
             <data type="integer"/>

Niels Peter


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