Step 1: Take this XSD Code fragment(This is email
validation code fragment from another xsd
name="Email" type="EmailType" />
name="EmailType" > <xsd:restriction
base="xsd:token"> <xsd:pattern
Step2: replace the regular expression in the above code by picking the
suitable regular expression from the following link
Hope that this helps
Yes, but per my message below, how would you validate using regular
expressions *only* that the date value is not (for example) February
Joseph Chiusano
Booz Allen Hamilton
700 13th St. NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
O: 202-508-6514
C: 202-251-0731
If I can remember correctly, I implemented the regular
expression validation of Dates(like Feb28 etc) in the schemas(around 3 years
back). There are bunch of code examples across the web for this. So, we can do
validate the dates or for a given set of values- enumerated data (like days of a
week) etc in the Regular expressions.
The date format decides the validation regular expression
expression(ex: Regular expression for dd-MMM-yyyy is diff from
Regular expressions may work to some degree in this case, but they won't
provide the level of validation for units that you need. For example, a regular
expression can be used to define the format for a date, but it cannot validate
that a date of (for example) February 30 is not present, as it cannot validate
the combination of month and year in this case.
So Len's example of an attribute for units, with an enumerated list of
valid values, is the best approach.
Kind Regards,
Joseph Chiusano
Booz Allen Hamilton
700 13th St. NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
O: 202-508-6514
C: 202-251-0731
Hi Mangesh,
You can have this in Schema.
Define simple type attribute and have a regular expression
as the constraint on that simple type attribute according to your data+units
Hi All,
I am creating a xml schema where I
have to making a ‘attribute’ but can a attribute hold a value and
My example is FlowRate, let’s the
value and unit could be 100 GPM.
Can I have just one attribute for
100 and GPM both. Some times it might be 80 cFPS.
So can a attribute hold both or do I
need element here.