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Re[2]: SQL instead of XQuery [offtopic]


LB> One might argue that syntax based systems ...
LB> are simply not the right interface for 'non-programmers'; hence the
LB> success of QBE systems

Am i understanding right, that SQL, Cobol is example of SBS ?
In this case, how to understand your point -
you are saying, that SBS is right interface for 'non-programmers'
or not right ?

LB> I think it a huge
LB> conceptual mistake to make document computing the centerpiece of database
LB> design

LB>  although it is a big win for the GUI.

Writing and storaging of html/pdf/latex-documents (and even MS
Word-document) is not document compuing itself ?
Regularized xml-messages, got from filled forms (e.g. in browser),
are very well for traditional relational engines.
In what is this 'big' ??

Dmitry Turin
HTML6     (6. 5.3)  http://html60.euro.ru
SQL5      (5.11.1)  http://sql50.euro.ru
Unicode7  (7. 2.1)  http://unicode70.euro.ru
Computer2 (2. 0.2)  http://computer20.euro.ru

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