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Re: [xml-dev] Tradeoffs of XML encoding by enclosing all contentin CDATA blocks

Fraser Goffin a écrit :
Before we dismiss these applications as useless because they don't
natively support XML and suggest that there keepers are 'lazy', what
does the group suggest is the best approach to maintaining the correct
encoding. Consider also that some of these may be packaged
applications where the organisation may not have access to the source
code and/or may not want to commit to enhancing it. Perhaps this is a
case for a mediation layer ?
I also like to be pragmatic and I think it would be relatively easy to write, let's say, a Java function, to correct or repair such bad XML documents. Some documents could not be repaired but most of them would be...

I  have already written such a function, as a one-pass automat,  for bad-formed HTML (http://sourceforge.net/projects/light-html2xml) to correct tags and put XML entities, replacing HTML entities so parsing can be done.

Do you think it would be a good idea to call such a function before regular parsing ?

Bordeaux, France

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