Thank you for your suggestions and I finally worked out the reason why the 2 values fishing, rabbit were not been picked up after debugging. It turned out that there are two different types of Hobbie(s) elements which is shown as follows:
<a shape="rect" href= title="Shark Hunting">fishing</a>
(Out-door adventures)
<a shape="rect" href= title="Shark Hunting">fishing</a>
<a shape="rect" href= title="Animal">rabbit</a>
(Out-door adventures)
p>The only difference between the 2 matching pattern elements is the additional letter 's'. I used the following matching patterns to pick up all values for both elements:
<xsl:template match="ns:p[ns:strong='Hobbie:']|ns:p[ns:strong='Hobbies:']">
<xsl:for-each select="ns:a">
<hobbie><xsl:value-of select="."/></hobbie>
Note that the matching name Hobbie is only an arbitray name that I used in position for the actual element name. As a result, it was not as obvious to distinguish between Hobby and Hobbies.
Now the only question left is the second half ( ii ) of the original post included below:
( ii ) I also like to add a default generic value for any missing element. Say if there are no
<p><strong>Hobbies:</strong></p> in such document, yet I still would like to generate a
null element such as <hobbies>Unknown</hobbies>. The intended stylesheet should look
like the following but couldn’t get it working still:
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="//ns:p"/>
<xsl: choose>
<xsl: when test="ns:p[ns:strong='Hobbies:']">
<xsl:template match="ns:p[ns:strong='Hobbies:']">
<xsl:for-each select="text()[normalize-space() != '']">
<hobbies><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space()"/></hobbies>
</xsl: choose>
However, this syntax does not conform with XSLT stylesheet.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
Thanks again,
My next step would be to debug this stylesheet but any other suggestion would be more than welcome.I rather assumed that you only posted to the list after failing to debug the stylesheet.Your next step might be to post a complete but minimal source document and stylesheet that demonstrate the problem.Michael Kay