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interesting: xmlvm


This looks interesting:



The goal of XMLVM is to offer a flexible and extensible cross-compiler  
toolchain. Instead of cross-compiling on a source code level, XMLVM  
cross-compiles byte code instructions from Sun Microsystem's virtual  
machine and Microsoft's Common Language Runtime. The benefit of this  
approach is that byte code instructions are easier to cross-compile  
and the difficult parsing of a high-level programming language is left  
to a regular compiler. In XMLVM, byte code-based programs are  
represented as XML documents. This allows manipulation and translation  
of XMLVM-based programs using advanced XML technologies such as XSLT,  
XQuery, and XPath."

Anybody played around with this? Opinions :)


p.s. apologies if you received a bounce from me. Moved back to SF and  
had issues with altering my mail settings.

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