57BA9C535AC4486C814902BA7537F2B4@Sealion" type="cite">This is exactly what XSLTForms (http://www.agencexml.com/xsltforms) is doing for transforming XHTML+XForms to (X)HTML+AJAX.Actually, I don't think I have ever come across a real case of someone using XSLT with an XHTML input.I've seen many. Sometimes it's a custom screen-scraping application designed to extract information from the XHTML delivered by one particular site; sometimes it's general-purpose software for example to convert XHTML to XSL-FO or office document formats; sometimes it's to transform the XHTML into different XHTML, e.g. by changing the CSS styles in a systematic way, change links, add copyright statements, or other similar mundane tasks. XSLTForms is now shipped with Mark Logic Server (for app builder) and eXist. Best regards, Alain Couthures <agenceXML> http://www.agencexml.com |