Interesting idea. This is likely something
that has to be addressed in an Xml track. I am not sure that HTML-5 is
even an Xml track? For a number of use cases I have seen
namespaces work. They are integrated in most Xml p But how well they address all use cases I
do not know. I would be interested to hear about use cases where Xml namespaces
fail and rough sketches of better technologies. Jim From: Michael
Kay [] > There's
supposed to be an extensibility workshop in September at one of the F2Fs where
namespaces in general will be hashed out - I plan to be monitoring that one
carefully, as I suspect that there will be a move to "fix" namespaces
in a way that will have long term negative repercussions for the XML community. Let's approach this
positively. XML namespaces are a pretty awful piece of design. Perhaps
this is an opportunity to revisit the requirement and do something a bit more
elegant. Regards, |