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Re: [xml-dev] XML to "HTML"

>>They also requested that if I use a tag that takes bodies but the body
>>is empty to not write it as <tag/>
>>    <P/>  should be written as <P></P>  ....  although I think I can
>>waffle on this one.
> That's the one that is perhaps most important to fix, if you use
> /> syntax with things served as text/html then things will go wrong.

Just to add to that  - if you use the html or xhtml output method then
you'll get <p></p> and not <p/> (which is what you'd get with the xml
output method), so there's nothing to fix as such, the serialiser will
do the right thing for you.

Andrew Welch
Kernow: http://kernowforsaxon.sf.net/

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