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Re: [xml-dev] Micro XSD for Micro XML?

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 3:01 PM, John Madden <john.madden@duke.edu> wrote:
>> PS: of course, we must agree that a a MicroXSD describes the mapping
>> between the semantic of the data and its XML representation, and not
>> just a bunch of technical unclear-to-humans russian-doll rules.
> Sorry, don't agree about the semantics part. Schema is about structure, not semantics.
> Conflating the two is (part of) what makes XSD such a disaster.
> This thread is about keeping it simple.

XSD is a disaster because of its unreadable syntax, its insanely poor
modularity and unpredictable trouble cases.
Do not discard the whole concept because of its poor technological

For example, RelaxNG (Compact!) has always been (to me) a clean
easy-to-read semantic<->elements mapper.

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