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RE: [xml-dev] Should one adopt the tag naming convention of an existing XMLvocabulary or create one's own tag naming =?UTF-8?Q?convention=3F?=


I back-tracked here to find your original.

I'm deeply immersed in these woods with the work on NIEM (http://www.niem.org).

So NIEM provides Naming and Design Rules (NDR) - that provide for consistency around definitions and tag names.  The idea is to promote re-use within domains, and across domains for common components.

Here's the bottom line - you need some measure of quality.  How well and consistently has each domain implemented their vocabulary?

First thing to notice - its almost impossible to determine this by hand inspecting schema - you need tools to help you automate this.  Example - if the tag name says its a date and it has a xsd:integer type - that's probably a flag you need to check.

At the risk of bringing down a firestorm on myself - the CAM toolkit provides a bunch of stuff to assist you making these determinations (and we've been working this for 3 years now - this is what we live day-to-day).

Next you need consolidated dictionaries of the terms used.  Again harvesting these from a bunch of schema - time consuming by hand.

Then you need comparison spreadsheets showing you what is common across those different vocabularies - a "compare to dictionary" tool.

OK - keeping this post short - there's a bunch of tools, tutorials and presentations (most recently from the NIEM NTE - National  Training Event) - showing you how to accomplish these tasks taking your schema and running them from through the CAM tools.

Bon chance - its a journey - but hopefully you can make informed decisions as to the choices and routes possible.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [xml-dev] Should one adopt the tag naming convention of an
existing XML vocabulary or create one's own tag naming convention?
From: "Costello, Roger L." <costello@mitre.org>
Date: Fri, February 03, 2012 2:14 pm
To: "xml-dev@lists.xml.org" <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>

Hi Folks,

I am about to create an XML vocabulary.

My XML vocabulary will leverage (reuse) three existing, mature XML vocabularies.

So my XML instances will consist of tags that I created and tags from the existing, mature XML vocabularies.

For the tags that I create, what tag naming convention should I use?

Here are two possibilities:

1. I will create a my own tag naming convention, independent of the XML vocabularies that I will use.

2. I will adopt the tag naming convention of one of the XML vocabularies that I will use. (Which one?)

What do you recommend?

What are the tradeoffs?



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