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Re: [xml-dev] RE: XML Schema: What does it *really* mean to declarean element?

I agree with the responses so far to Roger, with one important caveat,
which ties in with the discussions on Unicode that he recently led.
It is possible to truly change, and thus obfuscate, your element names
if you use, for example, mathematical alphanumerics.

Here's a "W" that's not really a "W", it's a "mathematical script
capital W" (U+1D4B2) and this would be a completely different element
(may or may not show up in your mail reader):


It's a different unicode character, but semantically, one could argue
that it is still a "W".  I understand there was a lot of controversy
before the Unicode consortium allowed these characters to be added.

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 5:37 PM, David Lee <dlee@calldei.com> wrote:
> Suppose you just write the element names in invisible ink
> < > < />
> Really neat eh ?
> ----------------------------------------
> David A. Lee
> dlee@calldei.com
> http://www.xmlsh.org
> From: Costello, Roger L. [mailto:costello@mitre.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 2:44 PM
> To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: [xml-dev] XML Schema: What does it *really* mean to declare an element?
> Hi Folks,
> I have an XML Schema in which I declared this element:
>         <xs:element name="W" type="xs:string" />
> What does that element declaration really mean?
> Does it mean that in an instance document I may only have this:
>     <W>...</W>
> Suppose I italicize the element name:
>     <W>...</W>
> Suppose I italicize the element name and make it BIG:
>     <W>...</W>
> Suppose I make the start tag BIG but the end tag small:
>     <W>...</W>
> Suppose I display the element name in Magneto font:
>     <W>...</W>
> How about Old English font:
>     <W>...</W>
> They are all equivalent:
>     <W>...</W>
>     <W>...</W>
>     <W>...</W>
>     <W>...</W>
>     <W>...</W>
>     <W>...</W>
> Neat!
> /Roger

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