The enhancements are all explicitly flagged as not being in the old version. The interesting ones are:
* Properties. Add arbitrary property elements to the SVRL succeeded-report or failed-assert. This supports, for example, a two-layer reporting system where the first layer extracts features and the second layer grades (like map/reduce [not GOOGLE MapReduce]).
* pattern/@document. Run the pattern over a subordinate document not the main one. Allows the main document to be a table of contents, for example, and Schematron to validate the references documents. Allows Schematron to follow a hypertext link and validate the resource at the end of the link. Allows tests invariants of input and output documents after some transformation. Could be used to validate compound documents in ZIP archives (ODF, OOXML, etc) if the implementation has was a workable ZIP resolver (or just unzip into a directory).
I believe Alex Brown took over the final edit of ISO Schematron and who pushed through and finished my draft, so he and SC34 have my warmest commendation for this. I am glad to see that some comments made by Japan to simplify some section was done.