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   XML.org DITA Editorial Board Minutes: 27 Oct 2005

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XML.org DITA Focus Area 
Editorial Board Conference Call Minutes
27 Oct 2005

Attending: JoAnn Hackos (co-chair) and Jen Linton, Comtech; Bruce Esrig, Lucent; Scott Prentice; Kay Ethier; Mike Sunquist,
Arbortext; Mary McRae and Carol Geyer, OASIS; Don Day, IBM; Jerry Silver (co-chair), Blast Radius

1. Wiki

Carol provided an update on the status of the wiki evaluation. OASIS staff have narrowed the selection to three wikis (Drupal is the
front runner) and hope to have an implementation for the Editorial Board's review next week. Anyone interested in participating in
the technical evaluation should contact Carol.

Action item: Staff to provide an email update on wiki by Thursday, 3 Nov.

2. Content Overview

The Board will advance the content wireframe via email so that members can be assigned to specific pages. Board agrees that the
Focus Area will be an interactive community building project that will evolve on its own. Once FA is launched, Board may have to
intervene and move content, create separate areas, provide categorization, police pages for inappropriate content.

Action items:
Carol to send out a list of those subscribed to the Editorial Board, so that project assignments can be made.
Board members to review content wireframe (sent by Jen to list last week), determine which pages should be static and which should
be publicly editable (wiki), and prioritize pages to identify those critical for launch.

3. User Groups and Specialization Communities

Focus Area should provide encouragement and guidance for these groups. The site should designate a special interest group section
with pages for groups by geography and by specialization interest. Site should publicize specializations to encourage collaboration.
Narrowly focused groups may work independently, broader groups (or any with IPR concerns) should be encouraged to advance work
within OASIS.

Editorial Board should provide guidelines for groups, expectations for what kinds of things should be posted, links for help on
creating DITA specializations, best practices for running a specialization area, considerations, recommendations on how to vet a
specialization across a wider audience, how/why/when to advance it within OASIS,

Action: Bruce to work on guidelines with Don and Eric (IBM). 

4. Search

Mary confirmed that wiki will provide search capabilities. As part of a best practice guide for creating a new page, team agreed to
encourage users to create keywords. While a controlled vocabulary for keywords would be good, it's more work than the Board can take
on. JoAnn suggested we employ folksonomy so readers can add keywords. Folksonomy should identify synonyms and aliases. The
management of keywords should be separate from the content on the page.

Action: OASIS staff to investigate folksonomy plug-in for wiki. 

5. Using XML.org Focus Areas

Board reviewed draft from Carol. Minor edits recommended. Editorial Board agreed it should help draft specific instructions for page

6. Documents

Board agreed that XML.org is not intended to be a repository for materials. Users should provide links and summaries. If a user
wants to provide a document but does not have a site at which to post it, he/she may submit a request to the Editorial Board, which
may elect to publish the document on the XML.org site.  

7. Launch

Date has not been set, but everyone agrees we need to move forward as quickly as possible. Editorial Board will concentrate on
static pages and on navigation. Wiki pages don't need to be full of content; they can describe their purpose and leave it for public
to fill in. 

8. Next meeting

Board agreed to meet weekly on Thursdays at 2:00 pm US ET. Board will not meet next week due to scheduling conflicts, however work
will progress via email. The next call will be Thursday, 10 Nov. Dial in will be +1-402-756-9000 access code: 162307#.

Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
Voice: +1.978.667.5115 x209


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